Sunday, April 3, 2011

Fun with trucks and tractors

Had a bit of rain at the range. The creek was washed out to the left front wheel of the transport.  This rig has been sitting for about 5 years. Needed to move it before it fell in.
The boss got the dozer running after relocating the mice and bats. I worked on the truck batteries. The cab had become an enclave for all the mice within a mile.
Got the truck started. Blow all the mice out of the cab.
Then spent about an hour freeing the brakes from the drums.
Moved the transport & dozer to a safer location. Need to go back after the creek quits running, to repair roads and banks.
Now for the best part, got to practice some long range varmint control.
The boss spotted, a good time was had by all. The varmints even had fun, judging by the jumping and flying.

Got home to good music and Guinnenss.
The perfect end to a perfect day.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I saw your comment on HOTR blog about potentially moving west.

    I live in WY and thought you sounded like you have your 'mind right' (as we like to say). Check out our forum at

    Register to see better boards.

    Best of luck.

    In Libery,
